Monday, July 19, 2010

Weekend Update

  • 1 child
  • 3 games of Monopoly
  • 1 Urbz Penthouse acquired
Max was over this weekend for a make up weekend. It's rare to have him alone, but we had a good time and everyone seemed happy. He slept slightly later than usual, but he stayed up slightly later too, so that had a good deal to do with it.

Saturday, we took Max to Hardee's. He'd never been there and he wanted to try it. I personally thought it was an experience he could have lived without, but in the interest of letting him try new things, we went. It was pretty mediocre. He didn't like the hamburger, but he thought my chicken tenders were good. He ate my onion rings too. James and I agreed that the oil was not fresh, so everything could have been better, but it's Hardee's so you can't expect too much.

We got home early on Friday night, so we played Disney Monopoly. My husband spent a good portion of the game sitting in jail and insisting that it was the ultimate strategy. I argued that it was against the rules since they explicitly state that you may roll the dice three times, but then you have to pay to get out of jail. He argued that if you had no money you might be allowed to sit in jail. This was a non-issue since he had more than enough to pay to get out. He was also angry because there is no "Pot" or reward for landing on Free Parking. He said that every game he has ever played had a pot. I showed him the rules and he couldn't believe that I was right. He then said that the game encourages "House Rules" and that should be one of them. I disagreed because I felt like it lengthened an already lengthy game. That night, I won.

Saturday, night we played again. To appease my husband, we allowed a pot. To appease me, we agreed that you couldn't sit in jail indefinitely. He won that game. Sunday, after taking Max home, we played the original version of Monopoly. (My husband dislikes the use of Tinkerbell in the Disney version. She moves whenever there are doubles. If you land on her space she pays your rent or buys you the property.) It looked pretty desperate for me for a while, but after landing on Free Parking I was able to win the game.

This morning, I felt tired but ready to go to work when I woke up. XM Radio helped by providing the following:

(I remember listening to this when I was little with my mother. TELL ME CAN YA FEEL IT?)

Chatham County Line - Out of the Running. (I cried when I heard it.)

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