Friday, November 27, 2009


Thanksgiving was wonderful.

We went to my grandmother's house and my family was there. The weather was great and it got cooler as the day went on. It made it perfect for all of the playing and exploring we did. I'll admit, I mostly talked to the ladies and then I took a tour of the property by myself.

This property has been in my family since before I was born. I love it. I feel like it's a part of me. This land feels like a family secret to me. I climbed these trees as a child. My Uncle Fred would take us on long walks through the property and tell you stories along the way.

The only time I ever ran away was here. It was less of a running away experience and more of a hiding with the cows until my mother left me experience. I don't regret it and I doubt I ever will. My grandmother has lived so much life that there isn't much about me that she doesn't understand. She loves me and I'm not sure there is anything that I could do to change that. It always feels like I am at my home base when I am there.

I also visited all of the animals when I there. The chickens seems to get more colorful every time I visit. They are Rhode Island Reds. I was given two dozen eggs and I was thrilled. I love farm fresh eggs.

I hope Grandma has her Pre-Christmas party again this year. I can't wait to go back, but I won't go on Christmas day.

I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving post.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. All of the food, none of the gifts. I will have Max and Annika with me and we are going to my Grandmother's. There will be turkey and collard greens and everything that is truly important in the world.

I am grateful for so many things this year. You all know that I love bullet points, so here is the list of things that I am grateful for:

  • My children are healthy.
  • I have a reliable car.
  • My parents love me.
  • I have awesome cats.
  • I have a job that I like.
  • I have some ideas that I know will work out.
  • I have friends.
One of the most significant things that happened in the past month could have really made me feel depressed and weak, but it didn't. Sadia yelled at me that I should feel empowered because of it. She felt so strongly that she took a post-it note and wrote "Feel Empowered!"on it. She stuck it on my monitor and demanded that I leave it there. She then wrote another post-it note saying that our co-worker agreed with her and stuck that next to the first one. I come into my office every morning and I see that post-it note and I feel empowered, even if it is only for a brief time. I am grateful for that too.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Friday, as previously posted, was my birthday. This is how the weekend went down. (Prepare for excellence.)

Friday night, I was taken to Bern's for an absolutely wonderful dinner. It's one of those experiences that was so awesome that I am not entirely sure if I can write about it without sounding like a complete idiot. I had a Merlot that didn't taste like poison. We had hours of conversation. The food came and went and it was brilliantly served. The building alone could be written about for hours. I have to say that the lobby took my breath away. It is a brilliant shade of red with paintings and lights covering the walls. One set of lights was huge. It looked like an iron tree with orange orbs all over it. It cast a light over the whole room and inspired an otherworldly feeling.

Saturday, I played Rock Band with Sadia for hours. I am a (fake) ROCK GOD! It was awesome. Later, I had dinner with Bob at Vallarta's. He gave me a router for my birthday. While we were finishing up, I received a frantic call from my mother. She was certain my little brother was going to kill himself and that it was a race against the clock. Bob wouldn't let me go home alone. He figured if my brother was dead that I might need a little mental back up. I suppose that might have been true.

I arrived at my house and noticed all of the lights were on. This was a sure sign that my brother was home. I looked through the blinds and I could see that he was unconcious, but only his head was visible. I opened the front door to find him passed out, drunk, naked, and spread eagle. I may have cursed very loudly. I then screeched his full name and told him to cover up. There was a slight movement in which he barely covered himself. Bob and I entered and tried to get him to tell us what he had been drinking or what he had taken. He couldn't really speak. He sat up briefly, looked confused, and then grunted a name. This name made Bob and I look at each other in confusion and then burst out laughing.

It turns out that my brother drank himself into a stupor and somehow ended up naked. He is not sure how that happened. When questioned about tthe name he uttered he basically said we would never speak of it again. He slept the booze off and my mother was relieved.

Sunday, I hung out with Sadia ALL day. We were supposed to go to the beach but it rained, so we playted Yahtzee instead. Eventually, I wanted some Courtney time so I went home. I had just fired up a video game when my phone rang. It was Sadia and she wanted me to come bowling. I said no at first because I bowled so well last week. (I got a score in the thirties in the first game and in the forties in the second game.) Sadia persisted and I said I'd go if I didn't have to drive. She agreed to pick me up and we were off.

We arrived at Florida Lanes on Florida Avenue at about 8:30. We began bowling around 9pm. I had way too much to drink, but I bowled much better. The Bowling alley had a killer jukebox and we ended up dancing to Michael Jackson and Rush. We are totally awesome.

Things to say while bowling:
  • Put some stank on it!
  • Have another beer!
  • Yelling out the outcome of the throw is good too. (STRIKE! GUTTER BALL! SPARE!)
Needless to say, I was less than sober when I was delivered to my door. I made a sandwich and cut some cake. I then sent out a text message to a bunch of people telling them that I was eating a sandwich and cake. I then ate the sandwich and cake. After I ate, I fell asleep.

6:30am was UGLY. My head hurt. My cats were stomping all over me, I was hot, thirsty, and sweaty. I got up, showered, and made my lunch. I headed to work and had a really productive day. The weekend is officially over.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


I feel like the calm eye of the hurricane lately. I am surrounded by chaos, but I feel centered and calm.

Friday, November 20, 2009

It's my birthday!

Dear Readers,

I am now 29 years old. It's strange to be so close to thirty. Age really is just a number to me, but I feel like I have been here a long time. I am genuinely happy to wake up every morning, even though I do it alone. My cats don't count, of course.

I've been trying to think of something funny to post. I just haven't felt at my peak of hilarity lately. I feel like I am trapped in a ledger. I'm climbing around and making corrections, but the math isn't right yet. I hope that makes sense. (I don't mean financially. I just mean that sometimes I view life as an equation that I need to balance or solve.)

As you should by now know, I do not make resolutions every year. I have one perpetual resolution that I wake up and make every day. Move forward.

It doesn't mean the same thing every day. It doesn't mean something solid. It just means to push through, find adventure, and embrace the unexpected pleasures of every day. That's it. That is my goal. I am not planning to take over the world or any part of it. I'm just going to keep exploring. I hope you all plan to come along for the ride.


P.S. LOOK at the cake my boss bought.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Three things you didn't know about Courtney Schoenfeld

This was sent to me by a partner in crime:

Did you know that Courtney Schoenfeld...
  1. Translates to the number 5 in numerology. If it wasn't bullshit, it would mean that you are adventurous, mercurial, and sensual. You seek growth through adventure and different life experiences. Although you are a critical thinker, you can sometimes over-ponder an issue.
  2. Has the Grizzly Bear as their Power Animal.
  3. Shares their name with a guesstimated 4 Americans?
See more at

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I would just like to say that I think the Grizzly Bear is pretty bad ass, but I always figured I was more subtle than that.

Also, ME?! Over-ponder?! NEVER!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I must see this.

Trouble... That's for sure.

I heard this song on the radio this morning and thought of you guys. Here's a little Elvis performing "Trouble" from the motion picture "King Creole".

Friday, November 13, 2009

In sickness even when it's stealth.

I woke up this morning and I was cheerful. My cats were hopping around yelling at me to wake up. I was tired, but not overly so. I showered and found something clean to wear. I haven't been hungry for the last week, so in keeping with that I decided to skip breakfast and have a bagel at work. I then began to brush my teeth.

I brush my teeth several times a day. I don't like it when they feel dirty, so if I feel less than fresh I brush. I also keep a toothbrush nearly everywhere I could be when I am feeling less than fresh. I am skilled in the usage of toothbrushes. This morning I was brushing away and humming happily (I do know that I am a dork,) when suddenly I was compelled to vomit. I had hoped that I had merely gagged myself by brushing a tad to vigorously, but that was not the case. It was just freaking lovely puking up ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for ten minutes.

I decided to take my tempature because even though I can't afford to be sick, I'm a salaried employee. If I'm puking at home my employees still get paid. I was not happy to see that I had a temperature of 100F. I was already dressed for work and I have a lot of work to do, so I decided to come in this morning and knock a few things out before going home and being furious.

I do not get sick. I DO NOT get sick. I don't even FEEL sick (except for the fever and vomiting)! This is not acceptable. I am supposed to have my children this weekend and that is not happening because they can't afford to get sick either. GREAT. I have to sit at home and do NOTHING. I hate that. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I am so furious that I want to throw things. I don't have a bad temper, but it makes me very angry when my body fails me. I am a freaking warrior. I don't get sick. This is not possible.

Now that I am done acting like a child I have decided to make a list of things to do this weekend.

Things to Do While Being Sick
  • Prepare paperwork from the Relay for Life Potluck.
  • Clean the bathroom.
  • Mop the floors since my idiot brother sprayed beer all over my living room and office area as I walked in the door last night.
  • Write a letter to my little brother in the big house with actual pen and paper.
  • Research and write for the Hotbuckles blog.
  • Play stupid video games in my underpants while my brother is at work.
  • Read the books Sadia lent me this week.
  • Call my mother and see if she will still let me come over tomorrow to walk the dog and do laundry.
  • (If Mom lets me come over) get her to wax my eyebrows.
  • Work on a severely neglected website project that I think holds a lot of potential.
  • Sleep. (Please envision me scowling at the prospect of sleeping away my free time.)
  • (If I don't have a fever Sunday) Pick up the kids and take them out to lunch at a restaurant of their choosing, but not McDonald's for the love of goodness.
So, that is what I will be doing. I have to stop typing now. My eyes are on fire and I'm really dizzy suddenly. If you look to your left you will see my Twitter widget. I will update and let you all know I am alive.

Week Update

I haven't posted much this week. I was trying to think of a way to say what I need to say.

As my loyal blog readers know, I have been dating a really amazing person named Bob. He gets mentioned from time to time because he is part of my life, but I try to limit your interaction with people who may not want to be the subject of my blog. This is, afterall, and not whoiscourtneydating (That could be a fabulous idea for another site, but it seems like a little more of me than I'm willing to give.)

Bob has been dissatisfied with Florida for some time and over the past month he has made the decision to leave. He says the decision has very little to do with me and that he wants to be closer to his non-Courtney friends and family. I understand that because my family is here. I cannot move away and I adore Florida. I don't want to move. Unfortunately, that means that our only course of action is to see other people. It is not what I wanted, but I knew he had been on the fence about staying for at least a year. It was not really a shock, especially since I knew he had been pulling away from me since he returned from his cruise.

Please Note: I am not at home wailing on the floor, eating Bon Bons, and cursing his name. He's not a jerk. He's just honest with himself about his needs and I respect that.

Also, Bob would prefer we not use the term "dumped." He says that garbage gets dumped and that I am not garbage. He's asked to be my agent for the career in comedy that only he thinks is possible. I said that was acceptable. You should only allow people who truly believe in you to represent you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Team Banzai Update!


I want to take the time to thank every single person who came out to support Team Banzai's Potluck Fundraiser. I am in awe of the fact that you came and brought such great food. I am in awe of how absolutely terribly Sadia is at Kickball, but really happy that she played anyway. I am officially declaring the event a success and it's all thanks to the following people:

  • Sadia - She agreed that a potluck fundraiser was a good idea. She brought killer chili. KICK BALL HE-RO!
  • Jeff - Showing up is half the battle. Carrying stuff is the other half.
  • Bob - Made killer Lime pies. Kept me as calm as possible. Brought his puppy Josie for added enjoyment. Took the one and only photo of the event. (See Above.)
  • Luis and the lovely Miracle - Came bearing donations and positive energy when I needed it.
  • Sarah and Michael - Made Kickball possible because Michael speaks Spanish and I do not. Sarah kicked butt in Kickball and surprised everyone, including herself.
  • Tihirih, Josh, Anthony, Andrew - Great company!
  • Jeff's Sister, her boyfriend, and Fernando - Two words: FRIED CHICKEN!
Want to know more about the powerhouse that is Team Banzai? Click Here!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What's on my mind.

I'm really hormonal and this clip has been on my mind today. I'm not angry. I'm weepy. I'm not even weepy because I'll be missing Yankees vs. Phillies game tonight. I'm just sad. You can blame hormones.

The scene around the 2:24 mark is what I get in my brain. I used to think that when I was a kid. Knowing my father as an adult has helped so that I don't feel angry anymore, but I remember this feeling.

I don't need to be crying at work. I am way too old for this.