Friday, November 20, 2009

It's my birthday!

Dear Readers,

I am now 29 years old. It's strange to be so close to thirty. Age really is just a number to me, but I feel like I have been here a long time. I am genuinely happy to wake up every morning, even though I do it alone. My cats don't count, of course.

I've been trying to think of something funny to post. I just haven't felt at my peak of hilarity lately. I feel like I am trapped in a ledger. I'm climbing around and making corrections, but the math isn't right yet. I hope that makes sense. (I don't mean financially. I just mean that sometimes I view life as an equation that I need to balance or solve.)

As you should by now know, I do not make resolutions every year. I have one perpetual resolution that I wake up and make every day. Move forward.

It doesn't mean the same thing every day. It doesn't mean something solid. It just means to push through, find adventure, and embrace the unexpected pleasures of every day. That's it. That is my goal. I am not planning to take over the world or any part of it. I'm just going to keep exploring. I hope you all plan to come along for the ride.


P.S. LOOK at the cake my boss bought.


  1. That is a sweet cake! You have a cool boss. What I do for the birthdays of the teachers that work at our sites (about 40), I go to their desk as soon as I get to work and cook them an omelet. I send them an email with a congrats and a list of toppings. I am in and out in 10 minutes. They love it and it is a nice personal touch...
    Happy Birthday Courtney. Make sure you go to Texas Cattle Company tonight for your free steak. If you need a date, I am free..strickly as friends.. ;)

  2. @James - An omelet would have been awesome. All I ate today was cake. Tonight, I have been invited to go to Bern's. I have never been before, so you know I am kind of nervous.

  3. OMG! You will be so pampered at Bern's Go for it! I have never been, but you will surely enjoy. You order your steak by the thickness. I have their menu; you might want to check it out online (if available) so it won't be so intimidating. You will be fine and look beautiful. Don't be nervous and just let the wine flow through your body and enjoy your birthday!!
