Tuesday, August 17, 2010


It's been a busy week already and so I thought I'd treat you to a few things that I'm thinking about.

  • Moving my blog to WordPress. Why? Basically, it's prettier. I like the comment functions. I like the text editor. It's a blank canvas.
  • Family and Friend Obligations - Are you obligated to go to birthday or candle/purse/Amway parties if you really don't want to?
  • I've been thinking about a CNN Poll asking if I felt The Westboro Baptist Church had a right to protest military funerals. (I plan to expand on that later.)
  • Would there be as big of an uproar if the Mosque near the World Trade Center site was a Cathedral? (I plan to expand on that later too.)
  • Am I ever going to have this baby? Granted, it's not time yet. We're not due until mid-October, but still. He's a real mover and shaker and frankly, I'm too old for his party lifestyle. (I know, just wait until he's born.)

1 comment:

  1. "Are you obligated to go to birthday or candle/purse/Amway parties if you really don't want to?"
    - Only if you say you are going to.

    "Am I ever going to have this baby?"

    - No, you will be pregnant FOREVER!!!! (insert maniacal laughter)
