Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My middle name IS trouble. How did you guess?

This weekend, was going to be a wonderful weekend. I had a free pass to a convention. I had a giftcard for the mall and a precise plan to spend it. I had hopes and dreams and kittens.

Unfortunately, I am an idiot.

Friday night was exactly as it should have been. I spent my time with my boyfriend. It was perfect. Saturday dawned and we had breakfast at Tiffany's, my favorite breakfast restaurant in Tampa. After breakfast, I headed Tampa to Necronomicon. I saw Patricia Briggs and Richard Lee Byers on the first panel. They were engaging and funny. Afterwards, my friend took me to meet her. She is absolutely genuine and nice. I loved meeting her.

The second panel I went to was about E-Publishing and DRM. It was killer. It was mainly great because of Ed Howdershelt. He is a Science Fiction writer and he only publishes electronically. He's got a no nonsense attitude and looks like he stepped out of a Jimmy Buffet video. (Granted, I think he's get fed up with Jimmy and knock him upside the head with a parrot or something.) The panel was wonderful and full of good info, but Ed stirred things up. If he thought a question was stupid or irrelevant, he said so. I was told he did this in a few panels where he wasn't a guest. It made me laugh.

I had lunch with my friends Ross and Nicci and then I moved my car so it wouldn't get towed. I then attended a Panel about the possibility of paperless currency. It was a good panel with good opinions and points on both sides and in the middle.

After the last panel, I decided to head home. There was one problem. My car was missing. It had been towed. It was my fault and I am an idiot, but it was too late to freakout about it at that point. I made a few phone calls and found out where my car was. Then I called my boyfriend who rescued me and helped me get the car back. He was very nice about it.

The next day I was driving home to take my brother to get a shirt for the job he found, when I noticed a pair of flashing lights behind me. This officer was pleased as punch to have pulled me over. I don't know if I fulfilled his quota or what, but the bounce in his step pretty much guaranteed that I would not be let off with a warning. He was very nice and I was polite and respectful. He was right, I had been speeding.

I had planned to go back to the convention, but after all of that I decided it would be best to just go home and bake and that's what I did. Cameron and I got his shirt, so he's now ready for work. (He starts today. Wish him luck.)

My boss gave me a gift certificate for a local mall, so Sadia, Cameron, and I went to International Plaza. If you have been reading my blog for any amount of time, you know I loathe shopping and that my mother buys the majority of my clothing. I needed a bra though and most stores don't carry size freak show.

We went to Dillard's. I don't like people touching me and the manager of the department wanted to fix my bra. She kept feeling my back and saying that my bra needed to be adjusted. I told her no, three freaking times, and then she handed me a bra and ordered that I try it on. My (traitor) friend, Sadia, did not help at all and actually encouraged this. She then had the audacity to laugh hysterically when I was told that I needed a size that I didn't want more than the size I already had.

I decided that I had enough torture for one day, so we gathered up my brother and went home. In some bizzare and totally sober twist of fate, we all ended up making clay and beads that afternoon. Cameron decided that he was not skilled anough after a while and left it to the ladies. I made a killer leaf and some ornaments that I plan to sell on Etsy. I'm going to need the money if I plan to pay all of these tickets and keep myself in cookie supplies.


  1. Fake cop that pulled over CourtneyOctober 27, 2009 at 3:51 PM

    If you had listened to the annoying sales women and bought the bra, I would have let ya off with a warning.

  2. @Fake Cop - Oh Har Har. I plan to buy it soon. I have a gift card for $25 bucks and it was $40.

  3. thats a good deal for the precious gems you posess

  4. @Anon, It is actually a good deal, but if you don't have $20, you just don't have it and you have to wait until you can earn it. (Alternately, I can wait for your birthday to come around and hope I get $15, since my birthday is November 20th.)

  5. Mine was Sept. 28. I believe (correct me if I am wrong), that Mr. boyfriend should pony up and purchase the most comfortable bra you can find. At least, I would do that for my girl..
    I got you christmas gifts(which I would like to do again, same kinda grab bag stuff), and I am willing to get you this magical bra for your birthday, if that is appropriate...

  6. @James, I don't expect my boyfriend to purchase things for me. I don't mind if they do, but it's certainly not a requirement. The bra isn't magical, but it fits. I suppose, for me, it feels magical.
